Monday, June 30, 2014


Lately i have been seeing this post on Facebook and whatsapp, posted by our female friends with lot of pun and mockery flowing around as comments. I am not sure what women think "work" really is. With due respect to the women who work at home and offices, i wish to tell them if there was ever a measure for the amount of work done, energy spent, thought process put in, between any two individuals of opposite sex ever, it would never be even close to one tenth, let alone equal, of what men do. Please, women we respect your space, and the work you do,we acknowledge it and share it many times. But, please again, it is not a fact, and you will never know ow much a MAN works for HIS FAMILY. Have you ever seen a electrician, a bike mechanic, a crane operator at 1000ft, a fisher man in deep sea, a porter, a mine worker, a furnace worker, a carpenter, a barbender, a cobbler, a plumber, a scavenger, a black smith, a deep sea pearl diver, a army man in siachen glacier, any of this and many more which only a MAN can do and had been doing forever for HIS FAMILY. Women work is not what you think work is, please respect MEN. #menatwork

Monday, June 09, 2014

Irandam ulagam இரண்டாம் உலகம்

Happened to watch #irandamulagam, with very low expectations after umpteen negative feedbacks online and from friends. While watching, I was waiting for the film to fail miserably; expecting the screenplay never to move on and so.. But what was revealed on screen was a drama no less than any of the so called World cinema. #selvaragavan is well ahead of our times for sure. For all those critics who snub him, i know how you would have marveled #Avatar and #Inception, for the reason none other than it being conceived by a Westerner. Now, go see #irandamulagam for yourself on large screen, which is way better than Avatar in EQ.

Psychological reason behind the failure of #irandamulagam and success of #Avatar is: When a westerner / foreigner presents you with a new thought you feel,” probably he is more intelligent than me, hence i don’t understand it, let me not reveal my ignorance, let me praise him as the rest of the world does” is the outcome.
When a fellow Tamilian / Indian presents you with a thought which may be more intelligent than a westerners, you think “how could anyone from here be any different from me or think so intelligently or better the foreigners, it can only be a half baked thought, and it is righteous for me to argue that his thought is wrong “

Except for the quality of graphics, I see #irandamulagam is no less than an #Avatar or #Inception, and waiting for #selvaragavan’s best.