Thursday, July 24, 2014

Being Men


Woman:  What are you staring at?
Man: Sorry

Woman: Don’t you have manners? Why are you staring at my legs?

Man: Sorry
Woman: Gross people. Sick of men. Disgusting guys. Why can’t men change their mind set.

Man: Shall I ask you a question?
Woman:  what?

Man: Why do you think it is disgusting if I stare at your bare legs?

Woman: How do you feel if someone stares at you the same way?

Man: I accept it would be embarrassing to be a show piece, but I would not show case in first place.

Woman: What showcase? I wear what I am comfortable of wearing?

Man: Ok, if a micro mini is comfortable physically, the embarrassment of getting the stares which you know very well you would be getting if you wear those short jattis, will not you make uncomfortable mentally? Did you not realize you will get these stares while you wore it? you preferred physical comfort over mental comfort, didn't you?

Woman: I know sick guys like you would stare? But why can’t men change their selves?

Man: You women changed the civilization too fast within a decade or 2 and want men to change their evolutionary instinct within the same time. Change of culture can happen in a short timeline, but the change of genes, the evolutionary instinct will take a long time to change. When, in Stone Age when all were roaming nude I hope there were no stares on women, because they were used to it. But when there is uniformity in the society, when someone stands out from uniformity, they will obviously get the stares.

Woman: whatever…

Man: Now may I ask you another question?


Man: why do you wear a lipstick?

Woman: to look good.

Man: why do you want to make up yourself look good with artificial upgradation of your natural face?

Woman:  looking good gives us the confidence?

Man: Us? So now you speak for all women?

Woman: yes.

Man: ok it gives you, women, the confidence by looking good, is that right?

Woman: yes

Man: what confidence does it gives you?

Woman: confidence to face the world?

Man: why do you feel if you are not looking good you would not have the confidence to face the world?

Woman: It’s you sick men, you give importance to good looking women.

Man: so you wanted to look good for men to take notice of you and not by because of you are talented.

Woman: we are more talented than men.

Man: really? Then why do you needs the beauty to give you the confidence? You think your beauty and ability to attract men, who form the most of the society, is the ticket to get noticed first, Right?

Woman: I don’t know about other women, but I am not like that.

Man: now you don’t want to represent women suddenly?

Woman: every women is different

Man: yes, every women claim she is different from the rest.

Woman: yes we are.

Man: now answer me; you are making up a face to look good to feel confident of being a noticeable person

Woman: now tell me, why do men wear a hair gel?

Man:  to look good to attract women, I accept it.

Woman: see, perverts…

Man:  it’s not being a pervert; it is the instinct, the basic instinct of being a Man. The lion, the peacock every animal in this earth do courting the opposite sex. It is the real desiderandam of existence in this world.

Woman: yes, sex is the only thing in men’s mind

Man:  I said, reproduction, not sex, is the only thing which nature has designated living things to do to keep the life cycle on the earth moving. It’s this force of nature to adapt to this universal  requirement to assist evolution our characteristics were been installed inbuilt.

Woman: means men always think about sex, right.

Man: You don’t understand it’s not just men; it’s the entire living things, including plants have one but no other requirement to survive in this world. Why humans are distinct is we started to “think” to comfort ourselves and protect us from other animals. That is evolution. Whatever inventions which happened are the extensions of the thinking process humans went through. Had sex been the only thing in men’s mind all these 95% of inventions done by men wouldn't have happened.

Woman: this is because men did not let women to be freely express their thoughts. Had women been as free as men, we would have made 50% of the inventions in fact more.

Man: so now you represent women again? It is for the good things you want to represent women and for the not so proud of things, each would be different is it?

Woman: now don’t deviate, I reinstate, had women been as free as men, we would have made 50% of the inventions in fact more.

Man: now may I ask you another question, why women had to let free by Men to be free?

Woman: because men are physically stronger, they kept women in control.

Man: why do you think men kept women in control?

Woman: to overcome them

Man: what do they get just by keeping them in control?

Woman: SEX?

Man: you think men wanted only sex and hence they kept women in control?

Woman: yes

Man: if it was only sex as you said why the physically more powerful humans, the men, did not keep women as just sex slaves, but formed families?

Woman: they wanted someone to cook at home
Man: men would have food wherever they wanted

Woman: to take care of the children

Man: they would have preferred not to have children if as you said their only intention was sex.

Woman: then tell me why

Man: the society, civilization, family, culture all these were formed as a part of evolutionary changes that humans went through

Woman: …

Man: men were powerful, women were week. Yes. And like animals the only instinct humans had was to reproduce. And as a natural instinct and theory of nature, the best of the species will survive, and as an instinct, it was into the minds to court for the best of the opposite sex. When this courting happens to grab the best of opposite sex to reproduce, there were fights between men (because they were physically powerful than women and women had no choice to fight) to keep the best for them. This had led to many loss of life and there was a time in history when the human race would have been extinct and it did extinct few of the other human species like neandardals, if not for the thought process of forming a family or society.

Woman:  humans evolved from monkeys

Man: no, monkeys and humans evolved from same ancestors and like different variety of monkeys, there once used to be different variety of humans too. All extinct due to these fights between spices, to survive.

Woman: Wow! That is NEWS to me

Man: so humans started to think or is it nature, which took an instinct decision to stop this fights, which may lead to the extinction of humans all together, initiated an evolution. To THINK. Humans started to think. They thought of, the MEN who were more powerful physically, made peace with other clans, not to fight for women, and made a collective decision to have families. Everyone will have few women for his own and will not fight for other women. This is how first family evolved. Yes it was polygamy. Then the men had to go out and earn for the women under his wings. He started to work. He wanted to keep them protected from others. So he built. He doesn’t want them to attract others so he made cloths. He wanted to come home fast. He invented wheel and in turn transportation. This is how society evolved. And million years passed by slowly evolving and men getting civilized to accept the concept of family. But the basic nature instinct to get a female was always inside. This century when globalization, media decided what we think, women were liberated. Men lost the power hold to the women due to laws, rules etc passed in favor of women. These laws were passed to please the women, which in turn elected them to power in the society. Women slowly but steadily incurred power at home, which radiated outside too. Then suddenly there was steep upward transition in women's transformation graph on being liberated. The confinement or the clutches which gave away slowly and was broken and women came out and like a bottle of soda erupted. Men could not withstand this sudden transformation of women, but only try to control themselves of their instinct. But sometimes emotion over comes mind. This is why I stared at you. Did I answer your question, of why I did stare at your bare legs?

Woman:  this is what we are shouting for, increase your self control. Teach yourself of the manners.

Man: yes, we do. That is the reason men had not become animals again. But I wish to reinstate the example I told earlier, like a bottle of soda, when kept compressed at great pressure, which here is compared to self control, will remain placid. You keep agitating it by shaking it vigorously, which is compared to the exhibits of women which men aren’t used to recently, till a threshold and then it had to open up. Once opened its chaos. That is when these rapes happen.

Woman: so you say rapes happen because women exhibit themselves.

Man: women, sometimes exhibit intentionally and Unintentionally.Now I wish to ask one more question? May i? 

Woman: what?

Man: You said you wear these shorts cos they are comfortable, right? will you wear it when you are 40 yeras old?

Woman: oh! come on, obiviously not.

Man: Why?


Man: cos it will not look good on you then?

Woman: May be?

Man: means, today you think you look good in this shorts and want to exhibit yourself, right? 

Woman: NO! i wear this cos i am comfortable waeing this and i would not be comfortable then to wear the sorts then at 40. 

Man: comfortable mentally or physically?

Woman: Mentally, i will not blotch up like others when i am 40.

Man: hmn... so now you prefer your physical comfort over the mental discomfort but would consider the mental discomfort over physical comfort during 40's. why is it so. ?

Woman: you are twisting my mind. 

Man: No, i am reinstating the fact that your inner self is happy exhibiting your youthful beauty while it would not be the case in your 40's. That is the instinct of the women, and likewise that is the instinct of the men to SEE.

Woman: this is very wrong, I am not like the few who do all this exhibiting.

Man: So now u r distinct from others, right. So you accept few do exhibit? ok now I shall ask you another question.
Woman: what?

Man: do you know what courting means or peacocking?

Woman: no

Man: it is the instinct of the living things to attract the opposite sex. This courting instinct is predominant in women to get best men. You will never feel it in your mind or even think. But it will happen spontaneously to any women or men to court. That is why men or women groom themselves to look good. Men accept this, women don’t.

Woman: we don’t groom ourselves to attract men, we just feel confident on being looked upon.

Man: so you want to be looked upon, but when I look you feel disgusting??

Woman: well!!!

Man: this courting instinct makes women to exhibit themselves, and obviously men get attracted to the courting because men, I accept, have few hormones which takeover their emotions to self-control.

Woman: men groom too.

Man: yes, men groom too, to attract women, and in current society, men are in abundant compared to the liberated women today, and have tough competition. For every liberated girl who court intentionally or unintentionally is attracted by 100s of men, 100 men get to court for 1 women. So women are in demand. Hence women have the choice to reject 99 of them to select her man she is courting for, while 99 men lose. The lost men who have 100% self control lead life with what they get, who have 80% self control   derive pleasure from just starring, who have 50% self control derive pleasure from brushing women on the buses and trains, who have 20% self control only do all this groping, voyeurism etc and who has none, no self control at all does all these raping, and the worst of them with animal instinct still predominant  does the child abuse.

Woman: true. What is your justification for a 6 year old being raped?

Man: Through out history there are people with various physiological disorders. The guy who does have zero self controls and animal instinct is sure Psyco. it is not that the dressing of the child arouses that particular psychotic individual. The child here is the victim of the psychotic individual who got agitated because of other external factors, need not be by the victim itself. Means you may not be the victim if you exhibit, but someone else who is more vulnerable. that is what some call butterfly effect / chaos theory. 

Woman: so..

Man: what I request is, this is the nature, please don’t agitate the bottle. You have the right to wear what you want, do what you want, but the more you agitate, more are the chances of the bottle break opening. We try hard and harder to control ourselves, to control the natural instinct, but you agitate us more and more, and tests us to the core. Yes men are evolving too, to bear the agitation, or what you call to learn, or to get used to all these exposure, but it will take some time for us to evolve. We have evolved from getting used (or learn to see it as a common thing and not excited) from sarees to salwars to jeans, which by large had been a smooth transition. But if you jump from saree directly to a micro mini, it means agitation. Code of ethics were formed to substantiate this smooth transition.  By globalization , feminism or whatever you call it, if u want to stir the smooth transition , chaos happens. Through out history there had always been a gap between the high class and the so called low classes. The high class thinks being mordern is copying the west. Whatever, but those days there was a GAP, that kept them out of reach of the less previalged class. Now the cosmopolitan culture which brings the remotest town individual to city which is extravagant, the agitation is hyper. Kindly, I request, therefore, to help us evolve, don’t just criticize by posting videos like this just to get a million likes on you page.

Woman: Why are you telling me this go and tell you children. Don’t teach me what to wear.

Man: I am not teaching you anything here, I just am requesting you to show the same kind of respect to men, what you expect from them. Women wanted to be treated as a goddess but they treat men like trash, at home, at offices and complain that they are being treated so. You get what you show on others. Show love and respect, you will get the same back.

Woman: Whatever, Men will be me. You will never change.

Man: yes Men never did change, it is women who changed.

Woman: so you want women to sit at home as it was used to?

Man: No. Let me tell you a historical fact here. Whatever rules or ethics preached followed with respect to restriction of women was due to the fact that these outrageous activities happened those days too. These rules were formed by the society those days which was ruled by physically stonger men, not to check their instincts but to impose control on women like women wearing modestly, keeping away from appearing in public all these were a gradual process of rules applied in due course of time to minimize the issues. the severity of implementation of these rules depended on community ranging from wearing bruga, scarfs, duppatta etc.. and confinement in kitchen in few communities to confinement to restricted public places in some comparatively liberated communities. History repeats itself, Now the same outrageous activities happen for whatever reason i briefed above, and the fairly stronger sex in the community, THE WOMEN, are imposing rules on men, which men did 1000's of year ago, "confine yourself, do not see, you are a criminal if you look at us" but this will not be  a payback for history, because you don't want everyone to shut their eyes, but want the one you wanted to look at you. You can't be selective in imposing rules, hence it will not sustain and you will never succeed in confining men, and these issues will persist. Also what you  ask is to change the natures instinct, which will happen only gradually, and not tomorrow. Untill then i request all women , modesty is not restraintment, it is your freedom to bend the Nature.

Women: Chauvinist..
Man: The conversation ended up there , this is just the post script, as women has always the last say.

Women: yes, we do.

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