Friday, February 06, 2009


A conversation about cats & dogs... the " EQUALITY " issue... the seventh problem..
Men say : Men and Women have six problems alike in the world, but Men have an additional problem, "Women"..
Women say : Women and Men have six problems alike in the world, but Women have an additional problem, "Men"..
That equals the list with seven problems each..

A friend forwarded a mail about sudha murthy and her sacrifice of career for the sake of love And the conversation that followed in our office ...

SUDHA MURTHY's Biography :
Once Nandan Nilekani suggested I should be on the Board but Murty said he did not want a husband and wife team at Infosys. I was shocked since I had the relevant experience and technical qualifications. He said, Sudha if you want to work with Infosys, I will withdraw, happily. I was pained to know that I will not be involved in the company my husband was building and that I would have to give up a job that I am qualified to do and love doing. It took me a couple of days to grasp the reason behind Murty's request..I realized that to make Infosys a success one had to give one's 100 percent. One had to be focussed on it alone with no other distractions. If the two of us had to give 100 percent to Infosys then what would happen to our home and our children? One of us had to take care of our home while the other took care of Infosys. I opted to be a homemaker, after all Infosys was Murty's dream. It was a big sacrifice but it was one that had to be made. Even today, Murty says, Sudha, I stepped on your career to make mine. You are responsible for my success. That's the Power of Love.
Every man needs a woman to motivate him and to give him a reason to live....

After reading this forwarded mail from one of my collegue to our group of friends at work an other collegue wrote :
"Thatz the power of LOVE ??? I feel thatz BULLSHIT….. SELFISH.
But had Sudha not done the sacrifice, she would have been termed as a bossy and rude woman right.
It is these self confessed failures on the names of LOVE and SACRIFICE that is still on the way of equality of sexes and India’s progress! How many more decades do people need to realize this?"

i wrote back saying "
CAUTION: I am not a Chauvinist. Read through before jumping into conclusions.
How many decades, you ask, friends, it's not going to be decades it's going to be centuries before it, what u mean equality, happens. Trust me! centuries...
Revolution is not an apple which falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall.
Transformation happens by revolution…
But Evolution……?
Evolution is an apple which will fall only when it is ripe.. The ripping will take millions of years..
The revolution which is happening since last couple of centuries may have created the transformation of women gaining equality and in couple of decades it can intensify.
But it is evolution which is required.
The so called society which was created by humans is not a done on a day..
A little History & science..
The creation of universe and earth and it's purpose is still unknown to the minuscule intelligence we have.
So the earth was created. The living things were created due to lots and lots of mutational mistakes and changes since then. Had it been for one change been happened the other way we would not be what we are.
Animals were created. (Of course Humans are a part of animal kingdom). Various animals are created, Amoeba, hydra, fish, frog, lizard, snakes, birds, camels, horses, donkeys, deer, lion, tiger, elephant, monkeys and humans. Evolution stopped since then, coz humans started inventing things to adapt various conditions.

The nuance of SYSTEM OF NATURE to exist is to reproduce. All Living things has ONLY one exigency to follow, TO reproduce to make the system of nature survive. That is what nature wanted us to do. Hence a SYSTEM was derived naturally that living things are born as male and female.
Here comes the hint, all animals were evolved as male and female only to substantiate the SYSTEM. And hence the physical features were given as to support the SYSTEM requirements.

Let me explain:
The purpose of dividing the living things into
male and female is ONLY to ease reproduction and NOTHING else which happened by Evolution and the corresponding biological / anatomical modifications from being asexual in the origin to what we are now.
The sector of humans who anatomical ability to deliver a baby and responsible for the healthy upbringing till the heir able to attain strength to survive on its own were later termed as FEMALE by the society.
This sector of humans are physically weak and had times of inability because of biological requirements compared to the other sector of humans. They were bound to attacks from other animals due to that. under stood?
if not, "since women bleed during ovulation they attract animals and r physically weak to fight them. so they were gaurded by the "MEN" who were physically strong because of not having the aforesaid problems.
This other sector of humans who had no other work and primary activity is to enable the reproduction and gaurding women. Since they had no other work other than that, NATURE deputed the work to take care of the other sector and gave them the physical ability to sustain the forces of outer world.
Under stand one thing here. The Humans primarily are FEMALE. MALE are only supporting staff.
Evolution plays an important role here. Male, since have to tackle the outer world was evolved stronger and also started THINKING more than their counterparts. It is a process of evolution which happened for 160million years that made THE MALE more powerful physically and little more intelligent mentally.
Here comes the theory “SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST”
The Society of the comparatively more powerful sector of humans made the rules.
There was no civilization then. Humans were like animals and there were quarrels to grab the fittest male and attractive female to enable healthy reproduction. Hence the society of the powerful humans decided to control the quarrels by forming groups called as families. That is when the so called civilization started.
Males who were dominant at that time formed rules to keep their females locked so as to protect them from the other males. Females since could not physically fight against male subsided with acceptance of the rules formed by males.
Since then the society formed various rules calling it the civilization to keep the female from coming out. It happened since millions of years and females started getting the feel that they are secondary to male as a Basic instinct and vice versa.
This instinct which was rooted in the genes of humans since millions of years was being changed only in this century due to the process of globalization.
The environment has become more safer and the civilization has made humans, both male and female, to be exposed to the same environment and get to know the same knowledge of outer world. But the instinct cannot be changed in a decade or two. It will take more years than what we all think, to bring the equality.
All Males are still having the instinct to the core, be it Buddha r Jesus or Abdul kalam. But they pretend to be not so or trying to concead the instinct by their knowledge.
Other Males to the core thinks that they are ALLOWING females to be equal and hence they derive the pride by doing so.
Females started feeling that they are the same as males as these days they are faced with the same environment as males. Hence females fight for equality feeling that they are treated as secondary
The revolution which is happening since last couple of centuries may have created the transformation of women gaining equality and in couple of decades it can only intensify.
Yes in few decades females will perform all what a male is performing but to change the instinct, it will not be decades it will be another million of years or till the Armageddon.

So the battle of sexes will be there till u and I die and generations after that.

Only that males will be trying to be good by “Allowing” females to do what they want, telling that they are not chauvinists coz of the fear for females who now had become a predominany part in deciding the civilization.
And females will be still fighting for equality coz they will always feel the instinct of being treated secondary even though male say they were equals.

Females will feel the real equality only when males start to think they need not GIVE equality, and they are fellow humans.
To erase this instinct and to seed this relatively new concept ( i say relatively new coz the ratio is 1billion years : 200 years ) of making male think female is also fellow human, THE EVOLUTION, will take a period of time as it is a genetical transformation and not just mental transformation which will happen only in Tamil movie climax.
And mind that it is the only evolution which will ever happen in earth.
The process is ongoing and we are the part of source of evolution that is gonna happen some million years later.
Until then males will be male.

Now we, WOMEN & MEN, are fighting for what?
So you ask what could be done until then?
It is only knowledge and self transformation that will atleast soothen the problem.
Each family is different. It is how you adapt to each other will determine the happiness in the family. It is up to you to decide who is the bread winner and who is the home maker.

Dear Women , "If you want your husband to take care of the home when u go to work , TELL him, WILL YOU? Will you marry a guy who is wanting to take care of the home and wanting you to go to work. Will you love him the same way? If so , Applause to you. "
Dear Men, " Nothing to say, except that try to understand that we r not primitive but in mordern ages and you are no good than Women. Try and accept the fact that women are fellow humans"

If this happens this is called the real "Transformation" you are fighting for.
If this transformation continues through ages there MIGHT BE an "Evolution"

Until then, It will be there for ever… the Battle of sexes…

Nature has designated us with only one job, to survive.
Happiness is the ONLY thing nature has given us as an incentive for the job designated to us.
Be happy, after all that is the nuance of existence.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Good thought..

alpesh said...

yes great thought

Anonymous said...

I assume u like constructive criticism!!

+ve:It gives a good first impression....

Hehe....dai....this is stupid post!!
WHy do you spend time on all this? Women are sex dolls, nothin more!!
n its sudha's choice, your mere attempt on analysing it is.....< > !!


Anonymous said...

a proof that it is the Birth instinct...

கொற்றவை said...

balanced writing...optimistic...the battle between the sexes is not only in the family system..but in all walks of life...let it u said